It’s the first day in office of the Minister in the newly created Department of Dispute Resolution!
Determined to establish a reputation as one who can move early and decisively with an imaginative and popular series of announcements a Press Conference is announced for a few days that will make a real impression on dispute resolution!
You are the Minister’s best friend and an experienced HR professional/union official (take your pick).
‘Okay’, the Minister says,, ‘no funny business. There’s a limit to what I can do on your wishlist…it’ll have to be something that won’t draw down the wrath of the ‘other’ side. And I need it today! Just three or four items………’
Your phone rings! Into this scenario of fantastic opportunity place yourself and start drafting your reply……
Here are a few of mine for starters.
- Announce the fast tracking of the Mediation Bill proposed by the Law Reform Commission.
- Introduce a common ‘portal of entry’ for all cases under employment rights legislation with a ‘filter’ process for all cases. (Looks like this may happen as Entemp seeks to make Croke Pk targets!)
- Establish a mediation ‘step’ at the EAT and more relaxed procedures when you get there!
- Take the Review of the Employment Rights Bodies off that dusty shelf and look at its recommendations!!!!! Perhaps even implement some of them!
- Repeal the provision in the 2010 Arbitration Act excluding employment disputes from its ambit.
And would you….restore the minimum wage but also apply it to the JLC sectors?? Or try other…’a bit for me, and a bit for you’ proposals! (The review of the ERO system has started this week and will conclude in two months)
PS. On the ADR front, but not HR, I’d be taking a look also at Fergal Quinn’s Construction Contracts Bill 2010. Flawed in the form introduced but a good idea and could be improved. It will help a recovering construction sector.
Ring Ring..Ring Ring…..can you put me through to the Minister’s office…..
What do you plan to tell your old buddy,, now at the helm????
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