How an investigation works.
This is a sample structure for the holding of a workplace investigation. It will vary depending on the circumstances but would not stray far from this.
- Terms of reference of the investigation to be agreed
- Confirm that details on nature and content of the allegation as well as the terms of reference of the investigation are known to each party.
- Preliminary meeting with each party to outline procedure. (Optional; this can happen at first interview).
- Meeting with complainant to take full details of the allegation in detail and collect further information. This may be recorded with the consent of the party.
- General note of complainant meeting to be sent as draft for comments. This will not be a verbatim but the general report of the meeting. Where a recording has been made a copy of the sound file may be provided.
- Complainant to review the notes and agree them following which they are copied to the respondent.
- Meeting with respondent to hear response and likewise investigator notes to be forwarded for agreement, and then sent to complaiainant.
- Any witnesses to be interviewed or statements taken
- Witness statements to complainant and respondent with invitation to respond to these statements
- Investigator to move to close the process by submitting a draft report based on the provisional conclusions (where this is provided for in the Terms of Reference)
- Final report to commissioning manager on the out come, copied to parties
Important: The Investigator should only make recommendations if required by the Terms of Reference but should not reach any findings of culpability. Recommendation may relate to a need for training, mediation etc.
Following the investigation the relevant manager to take action in line with company policy.
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